Compiler Macros


defineI18nRoute() is a compiler macro that you can use to set custom route paths for your page components located in the pages/ directory (unless set otherwise). This way you can set custom route paths for each static or dynamic route of your Nuxt application.

defineI18nRoute() is a compiler macro that you can use to set custom route paths for your page components located in the pages/ directory (unless set otherwise). This way you can set custom route paths for each static or dynamic route of your Nuxt application.

<script setup>
  paths: {
    en: '/about-us',
    fr: '/a-propos',
    ja: '/about-ja'


defineI18nRoute(route: I18nRoute | false) => void

interface I18nRoute {
  paths?: Record<Locale, `/${string}`>
  locales?: Locale[]



Disable localize for the target page component route.


An object accepting the following i18n route settings:

  • paths
    • Type: Record<Locale, /${string}>
      Customize page component routes per locale. You can specify static and dynamic paths for vue-router.
  • locales
    • Type: Locale[]
      Some locales to which the page component should be localized.